Monday 19 October 2009

British victory

The British outfit Kartograph won the six hour endurance in Monaco on Sunday, after a sterling effort at a time when penalties were being delivered like confetti at a wedding! Kartograph avoided problems, drove with style, and with reliability on their side, it was a worthy and winning performance.

Piquet Sport took 2nd place, picking up a number of 'stop-go' penalties on the way, but in all honesty were lucky to have the second step on the podium. On one of the pit-stops to serve a penalty, they not only re-fuelled and changed drivers, but failed to correctly heed a 'stop-go' at the same time, with Piquet staying only momentarily in the penalty box. A penalty should be served separately, and last a lot longer than a few seconds.

This was important for Dean Hawkey's team, who pulled back an amazing 9 laps after a disaster in the first of the three two-hour races, when the engine would not start after a driver change. Had Piquet Sport won and Team Hawkey been 2nd a protest would have been lodged, but as it was 'only' for 2nd place, the British team settled for 3rd place overall.

French racer Adrien Tambay, racing with Jules Bianchi, had an amazing escape earlier in the race, following a big shunt in the swimming pool complex when he hit the barriers very hard indeed. Fortunately he was thrown from his kart, which on this occasion was the better option than staying with his bent machine. Pale he might have been, but like a trooper he was back out on the track later in the race.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Monaco Kart GP

Superb weather conditions greeted the drivers for the Monaco Cup, covering the KF3 junior drivers, the outstandingly quick KZ2 gearbox aces, and the KF2 TM powered 6-hour endurance teams.

Run over three two-hour events, two of the endurance races were held today (Saturday), where the no,39 team was led by Nelson Piquet Jnr, the (former?) F1 driver who last raced for the Renault F1 team, until the Singapore race fixing scandal rocked motor-sport. Despite a big problem during the last 15 minutes of the 4th hour, Piquet hung onto the lead, but only by 24s from the British outfit Screen 4 Life, with Kartograph, another British team in 3rd place.

The winner of race two though was the impressive British outfit led by Dean Hawkey, who but for an engine problem in race one would have been leading the event overall. They had started race two 9 laps down on grid 15, but by winning race two and more0or-less stering clear of trouble, ended Saturday only 5 laps adrift, after a superb recovery of 4 laps, no mean feat in this company!

Only one KZ2 heat was completed and that went to the ever consistent Intrepid driver and Dutch champion, Bas Lammers, who had said earlier this afternoon how much he "loved this circuit", which incorporates part of the Formula 1 track round by the swimming pool complex and LA Rascasse...

In KF3 Carlos Sainz Jnr was impressive, with the expected pace from Nyck De Vries sadly lacking at the moment. Hopefully the Zanardi mounted team can make some changes overnight to give the Spanish champion hotter competition?