Wednesday 16 April 2014

Jay Howard - Stateside

If all goes to plan the latest interview with Jay will appear in next month's issue of the new look Karting Magazine, as he once again tries hard to put his Indy 500 plans into fruition.  So keep your eyes peeled for the new June 2014 edition.
Jay, with Courtney and Arthur.

For aficionados of the sport Jay will need little introduction, after being the "winningest" kart racer and British kart Champion in the UK, before he had to seek how to progress his career in the USA, when support in his own country for such a sporting star was sadly lacking.

The guy is extremely talented, and perhaps more importantly, especially after all these years in what can be a rather fickle sport, someone I can count on as a friend too.

Enjoy the read.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Staircase of Talent

2014 has started well for many of my racing colleagues from the world of karting, who have progressed nicely up the sporting ladder, to potentially knock on the doors of greatness.

I bumped into Oliver Rowland at the weekend during a visit to PF International in Lincolnshire, where he was helping out the Racing Steps Foundation (RSF) Zip team.  Oliver had just returned from a Formula Renault 3.5 test at Monza in Italy the previous day, where he was preparing for his RSF World Series by Renault debut this year.

It has been a couple of years since we last met (see earlier blog post below from his Monaco 'shifter' race in 2011), and even from his younger Cadet days, Oliver Rowland, like Lewis Hamilton, I have always believed in.  For me he has always been a personable chap, very friendly and approachable,which is a trait that should serve him well as he hopefully moves forward... towards Formula 1?

                                                           Testing at PFI this weekend.
In his earlier days Oliver was the driver to beat, where he was supported by his dad Dave, who is sadly no longer with us.  Dave was a former racing rival to my brothers Andrew and Kieran in 100 National back in the mid-1980's, and he would have been one mighty proud parent to see where his eldest son was in the sport today.

Seeing Oliver again prompted me to dig an image out of the old Cadet archive, taken ironically at PF International, the scene of his latest test this weekend, where he was the proud owner of the prestigious 'GP' plate, which only the best ever win.

                                           Pole position for the Cadet final at PF International

Oliver has been a race winner in every class he has raced in.  I do not anticipate 2014 in WSR being any different - watch this space.

Friday 20 July 2012

British Grass Kart Champs 2012

If you ever thought 250cc gearbox kart racers on tarmac were a little nuts, then how about the same thing but on grass..?

Imagine that amount of power on a rough surface, with front wheels lifting on acceleration, as the rear wheels plumed dust in the karts wake, and more than a touch of bravery is needed.

Last weekend saw the 5th British Grass Kart Championship at Wisbech, Cambs., where more than half a dozen new champions mounted the top step of the podium.

Providing spectators stayed upwind, especially photographers, good, clean fun can be enjoyed!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Race Debut

The track is Fulbeck in Lincolnshire, and it was possibly the hottest day of the year on one Sunday in June 1984.

The occasional look through the archives brought this pic to light, which took me back just over 28 years to my 'rookie' debut in 100 National, against the likes of several top flight karters of that era, including the 'great man' himself, Paul Fletcher.

The race actually came about courtesy of my two brothers, Andrew and Kieran, who thought it would be a good idea to throw me in the deep end with an early birthday present!  My sole experience up to the Fulbeck race had been just six laps of Lindholme two weeks earlier, which could hardly be considered suitable preparation.  The chassis was a Premier from the late Brian Wilson's stable in Wombwell, and after the regular Parilla TT22 failed to start in the three lap practice, hampering my preparation even further, Andrew mounted his new Parilla TT27 HKA from Brian's son, multiple World Kart Champ, Mike Wilson for the race.

For the 2nd three lap practice the new engine fired up first time of asking, only for one of the regular green plate runners to spin at the chicane on cold tyres, after which he then he hit my right rear wheel as he lost control and pitched my kart into a spin!  Cool... first heat on the cards from grid 30, and with just a couple of flying laps to my name..!  To then finish 10th was considered quite impressive at the time, and from grid 29 in the second heat, I worked my way up to 11th by the flag.  It was hard work though as the vibration was intense.  Andrew then located a chassis fracture, the after effects of the earlier shunt when I was hit at the chicane, so an early retirement ensued.

One week later at Wombwell, Kieran did one lap on the repaired chassis, drove straight back into the pits and pronounced the kart undriveable.  It seems the Fulbeck spin had also bent the axle and my two 'impressive' (sic) heats from the back of the grid had been done on an undriveable kart...  

But then what did I know - six laps at Lindholme and those two laps at Fulbeck before the heats, meant I did not know any better.  I just thought kart racing was that intense... period!

Solid experience though, eh..?

British... and Proud!

It has been one of those years and my Blog has suffered as a result, but the Queen's Jubilee helped to bring everything back into focus... literally!

The weekend was certainly an event to remember, and in spite of the inevitable criticisms from some sections of the media, especially those who barracked the BBC coverage, it was an immense occasion, and one that I certainly enjoyed.

Hopefully my Blog is now back, and with regular updates, as Hayden-Media progresses forward in strength.

Monday 5 December 2011

Oliver Rowland - 2011 McLaren Autosport BRDC Award winner

                                        Image copyright

In an earlier Blog update I wrote about Oliver Rowland, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing ever since he started as a young 8-year old Cadet karter, following some earlier on-track family battles with his dad Dave, who sadly is no longer with us - he would have been one mighty proud parent.  So it gives me pleasure to hear that Oliver picked up the latest McLaren Autosport BRDC 2011 Award last night, in a prize that includes a £100,000 boost to his 2012 season's budget, as well as a McLaren Mercedes Formula 1 test, along with a host of other prizes.

Oliver has had a quick rise to potential stardom since leaving karts (above pic taken at the 2010 Monaco kart cup when we last met), and especially this year when his growing CV was boosted by finishing the 2011 season as the Formula Renault UK runner-up.  It was an effort that the 19-year old found was recognised by the Award judging panel, whom he also had to further impress during the recent track and interview tests, which ultimately led to the presentation of this prestigious Award. 

Oliver has always been a young driver willing to speak, although on this occasion he perhaps had not been expecting to be declared the winner.  "I don't know what to say," he said after hearing the news.  "It's been a difficult year for me. I lost someone very close to me in Martin Hines, who passed away this year.  He's helped me for six or seven years.  I've had lots to learn this year in my first year of Formula Renault.  I have learned a lot and now I'm here.  I just can't believe it."

On his way to winning the McLaren Autosport BRDC Award, Oliver had to better the man who actually took the Formula Renault UK championship ahead of him, Alex Lynn, the talented Tom Blomqvist.

As the latest winner Oliver joins an impressive list of former winners, which to name but a few include 2009 Formula 1 World Champion Jenson Button, former grand prix winner and ITV commentator David Coulthard, IndyCar champion Dario Franchitti, and Peugeot sports car star (and ex-F1 driver) Anthony Davidson. 

Monday 12 September 2011

Wedding of the Year 2011

The 'new' Mr & Mrs Hayden were married at the weekend, when Liz and Jonny tied the knot at the lovely Saint Mary Church in Stone, with everyone retiring to the nearby Inn on the Lake afterwards.

With bad weather in the build-up to the weekend, and bad weather afterwards, to say that Saturday was perfect could be an understatement... it could not really have been any better!  Even the DJ during the evening party, offered the comment that he had not been at a wedding reception where he had seen so many people enjoying the occasion.

Naturally yours truly took most of the photographs, with Kat, a family friend also helping out in her own inimitable style, to make sure that photographically, Liz and Jonny would have plenty to choose from for the planned album.

It really was a fantastically enjoyable day for both families and friends.