Sunday 19 July 2009

With the postponement of the Thunderkart Challenge until next Sunday, Ben Hyland's (from PPiK in Leeds) new Sodi World Series RX250 class replaced the day's proceedings at Warden Law this weekend, when a nice dry 'window' was found in the weather. The pace was hot all day and my substitute James finished a solid 2nd on the road for Karting Magazine, until he was penalised with a one place penalty, which dropped him to 3rd place.

To be honest the move from James was an excellent one, and was certainly a move that I would have taken given the same circumstances. He made a superb exit from the final corner just a few laps into the race, pulling alongside the two ahead, for a three kart run to the first corner of the next lap three-abreast, with James on the inside. It was spectacular stuff, but if a driver who has lost his place turns in when he shouldn't, and the driver on the inside is penalised, then the penalty is a touch unfair - but that's racing!

The next Sodi WS RX250 race is at PF International on 9 August in a few weeks time, which should give the drivers a few things to think about on the fast sweepers of the Lincolnshire track..

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