Sunday 27 September 2009

Zuera, Spain - WSK Championship

After the World Cup at Alcaniz around one hour south of Zuera, the WSK racing had to be good to match what took place the previous week - and to be honest it was!
Not only was it hotter with clear blue skies and blazing sunshine, but the on-track action at Zuera was just as frantic. Just ask Ignazio D'Agosto after the Formula KF2 pre-final... he was one mighty unhappy chap.
Where happy chaps are concerned though look no further than Bas Lammers. He was awesome a couple of months ago at Wackersdorf in Germany, and he was awesome again today in Formula KZ2. On the grid for the pre-final just minutes before the start I asked Bas if he could win today from row four, sat on grid 8? "Of course," he said with a grin, "it will not be a problem for me." I thought he might be joking - he wasn't, and he won quite comfortably!
As for the final later in the afternoon, he led the first lap from pole, dropped to 2nd on lap 2 afetr CRG's Rick Dreezen took the lead, and then fell behind his Intrepid team-mate Jeremy Iglesias on lap 10. Final lap and Bas was still 3rd with one corner remaining with Dreezen just ahead. He pounced and took 2nd place with 100 metres to go, only for Iglesias to celebrate (!) before he passed the chequered flag, leaving Bas to sweep past to win by 0.090s! The pic shows what is now coming to be the 'Bas Jump' after he has won.
Karting Magazine will carry a full report in the November issue due out on the second Wednesday in October.

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