Wednesday 20 October 2010

Andrew Lancaster

It is with immense regret that the death of Andrew Lancaster was notified to me on my return from Monaco. Andrew had been the victim of a building accident in Bradford, when he was buried under a pile of rubble at a construction site after a trench wall collapsed.

Andrew was one of those charming, unassuming characters, who once told me he was quite happy to take a back-seat, and stay out of the limelight, in his bid to help his younger brother, Jon, reach the highest levels within motor-sport. Jon, of course, competed in World Series by Renault in Formula 3.5 this year with Fortec Motorsport, and with his foot in the door of reaching his Formula 1 ambition, both he and his family have been devastated by this accident.

Words can mean so little during moments like this, but our thoughts are with all of the Lancaster family at this sad time.

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