Thursday 11 November 2010

Teesside Karting

As races go the one held Teesside Karting at the weekend, by some of the former rivals from the 2009 Warden Law Thunderkart series, was a classic.

Over a 40 minutes race our Hayden-Media and Karting Magazine driver, James Hayden, making a return to the track after a 12-month absence, became involved in a superb fight for the lead between eventual race-winner Daniel Laws, and 3rd placed finisher and Warden Law champion, Craig Brock. James was more than happy with his 2nd place after such a long absence. All three had led at some point during the last 10 minutes, with Daniel just taking the win over James by 1.272s, with James 0.161s ahead of Craig!

With my last race, because of injury, being two years ago now, when I took part in the Wembley 24-hour meeting, it almost made me wish I had been part of it..!

Cracking stuff guys!!!

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