Thursday 27 January 2011

Lancaster Update

With a short break away from the gym, and following on from my previous Blog entry, after Jon undertook a kart test on a new Birel/BMB Formula KGP chassis at PF International at the weekend, he was in high spirits over the following days. In company with his father, 'General' Dave Thomson, and of course yours truly,(with Hayden-Media stickers on the radiator and side-pods), it was exciting to see that Jon was as sharp and as quick as he had ever been at the wheel of a kart.

In a master-class of modest understatement he said: "Well it was great to get back driving again, but being quick is what I do! It was good training and it felt great to have the old team back together, with dad, 'Generali' (Dave's nickname), and you, although we were missing Marky Mark (Rose) who was away this time in Italy (Jon had previously carried out a pre-Xmas test with Mark Rose of MRM Motorsport, who was a former British kart champion in 1993). As part of my pre-season preparations it could not have gone any better!"
It would be worth the wait just to once again see Jon in a kart race, but until his 2011 racing programme has been finalised, which should be soon, the rest of the karting fraternity can rest easy - he might decide not to return!

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