Tuesday 15 February 2011


Sad news seems to have been too much in abundance of late, and so it continues with the news that Tada Takano, an ace Japanese photographer and friend, has died.

I first met Tada-san in 2007 at the World Cup in Suzuka, and then again in 2008, when the above photograph was taken (Tada-san can be seen in the middle with the biggest smile!).

He and his wife Norika looked after me over the weekends of those two races, making travel and eating more acceptable, as they indulged my western ways so far from home.

In 2007 whilst in Race Control I was aware of a 'shadow' over my shoulder when I was mounting my U/C (ultra-compact) 70-300 Sigma lens onto a Canon camera. With the large' dinner-plate' zoom lens mounted on his shoulder, Tada-san grinned and offered the prime words of wisdom: "Ahh, cute!" The embarassment meant I bought a 'proper' Canon lens before I returned one year later, which thankfully earned his approval.

My thoughts are with Norika at this time - he was a good bloke to know well.

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