Saturday 16 May 2009

Anthony Davidson - Formula 1 driver

In an exclusive test for Tal-ko, using three different TKM karts, I arranged for F1 driver Anthony Davidson to return to his roots for an article due out in the July edition of Karting Magazine.

Anthony, which is often abbreviated to Ant, had last tested at PF International near Newark way back in January 1996, before he started his European karting campaign with Terry Fullerton, which culminated in him signing with the BAR-Honda F1 team on his way to Grand Prix stardom.

For how Ant got on you will need to get hold of a copy of Karting Magazine (July edition), which is due out on the second Wednesday in June, but needless to say he had a superb day, spoilt only slightly by the truly appalling weather until mid-afternoon when a brief, dry weather window was found.

TKM boss Alan Turney said it all after the test when he commented: "Isn't he a wonderful guy - so easy to work with and talk to, with no airs and graces..."
That's our Ant, a bloke who should be back full-time in Formula 1 with Brawn GP..!

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