Thursday 28 May 2009

Fulbeck - 50 years and counting.

The Fulbeck circuit in Lincolnshire, which used to be a former RAF bomber base in World War 2, has since 1959 been the site of a demanding kart circuit. Which means that in 2009 it marks the 50th anniversary for the Lincolnshire Kart Club.
Historically Fulbeck is important to me, and not just because it is a "driver's track", as it was also the venue for my younger brother's very first kart race in August 1983, the scene of my own novice debut in 100 National in June 1984, and where my journalistic career started at 'grass-roots' level in June 1988, thanks to the then club secretary Pat Connelly.
I was proud to be invited back to cover the May event last weekend for the Club, for the next race report to appear in the edition of Karting Magazine due out on 8 July 2009, to celebrate the 50th anniversary event.
The weather was amazing with beautiful blue skies and warm sunshine, not to mention some exceptionally good racing. Pictured is young Alfie Brown in Comer Cadet, who took a fine victory in the final of his class.

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